Rather than employees commuting full time, most companies have fully embraced hybrid approach of in-person and work from anywhere models. But for all its benefits, digitisation has also introduced more security risks and user access to manage — both human and not. In fact, as many as 80% of organizations say the shift to remote work has increased their focus on identity security.
According to a recent Forrester Report, How to Secure and Govern Non-Human Entities, the amount of remote and non-employee workers sharply increased in recent years, and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down. That means more types of users, non-human entities, devices, and data sources than ever to protect and manage. This compounded with the steady migration of workloads to diverse cloud hybrid infrastructures makes for an increasingly complex dynamic.
Identity security is no longer a “nice to have” — it’s essential. Most modern businesses know this and have implemented identity management including some combination of access management, user provisioning and identity governance. Now, the idea of moving identity security fully to the cloud has many of these same businesses considering their options. They may be evaluating the possibility of upgrading an existing identity management solution from on-premises to a cloud-based version while others prefer to refresh with a new SaaS identity security solution. Whichever is the chosen path, moving identity security to the cloud, enables connections to critical applications virtually, seamlessly, and securely.