About the Author: ProofID




Categories: Blog, IAM, IGA, PAM

Understanding your organisation’s digital well-being is crucial against a backdrop of managing a multitude of user identities accessing growing numbers of digital applications. Each user identity, when unmanaged, could potentially pose a cybersecurity risk.

ProofID’s comprehensive 5-Step Health Check not only identifies vulnerabilities but also provides a roadmap to bolster the robustness of your organisational identity security.

5-Step Identity Health Check

Proofid 5 Step Iam Health Check

Let’s explore the intricacies of Identity Health Checks and their pivotal role in enhancing identity maturity.

1. Decoding Identity Health

A holistic view of identity health moves beyond security parameters, delving into the intricacies of identity governance, access controls and privileged access management. It provides a comprehensive view of your organisation’s identity security and digital well-being.

2. Spotting Weakness

The initial step towards achieving digital health is recognising potential pitfalls. An Identity Health Check can double as a diagnostic tool, revealing weak links in your identity infrastructure as a preventive initiative in a continually changing threat environment.

3. Navigating the Identity Security Spectrum

ProofID’s guides your organisation across the spectrum of identity maturation, signposting your current position on this journey, from early stages to a fully evolved and advanced identity platform.

Identity Maturity Model